No salvation for Ecumenists and those indelibly marked with the seal of the beast who have sided with the Antichrist – Hieromonk Euphrosyne the Sabbaite

That man truly believes in the Risen Lord, he proves it by struggling against sin and passions, and if he struggles, he must know that he is struggling *for immortality and eternal life.* But if he does not struggle, then his faith is in vain! For if man’s faith is not a struggle for immortality and eternity, then what is it? If by faith in Christ, one does not attain to immortality and victory over death, then what is our faith for? If Christ has not been resurrected, it means that sin and death have not been defeated. If again, if these two have not been overcome, then why believe in Christ? But he who by faith in the Risen Christ struggles against all his sin, he slowly strengthens in himself the sense that the Lord has truly risen, has blunted the center of death, has defeated death on all battle fronts. Without the resurrection, there is nothing in heaven or under heaven more absurd than this world, nor greater despair than this life, without immortality.In all the worlds there is no more miserable existence than man who does not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

Therefore, for human existence, the Risen Lord is “all in all”:  everything that is beautiful, good, true, lovely, joyful, divine, wise, eternal. He is all our Love, all our Truth, all our Joy, all our Good, all our Life, our Eternal life in all eternities and eternities!
How wronged are those Ecumenists and indelibly  marked with the seal of the beast who have ruined their chances of salvation  and will never be resurrected to live close to Christ, as they have sided with the Antichrist. 

Translation in English by Sofia Kioroglou

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